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Tardy Policy

Students will then receive a late arrival slip and go to class.
Zero Tolerance Tardy Policy
  • Students who arrive after the first bell will be considered tardy and a 20 min. lunch tutorial will be assigned. A note from a medical provider is the only way to excuse a lunch tutorial. Proof of an appointment reminder (via text message/email etc.) may be shown in lieu of a medical provider note. A parent calling their child in late to school informs Attendance of the reason for the late arrival; however, it does NOT waive the lunch tutorial.
  • Per Ca. state law, any student who is tardy or absent for any 30-minute period during the school day, without a valid excuse on three occasions during one school year, is classified as truant and will receive a Saturday School
*If a student is tardy to one or more classes after lunch, they will serve a Lunch Tutorial the next school day. Any Lunch Tutorial not served will result in an After School Detention, unless prior arrangements have been made with Student Services. After School Detentions are from 3:28-4:08 pm in room B1. Failure to report to after school detentions will result in Saturday school.
Please contact student services with any questions about your student's assigned lunch tutorial, after school detention or Saturday School.

Attendance Policies

Students are expected to attend school daily. Consistent daily attendance is critical for a student’s academic success.  The State of California considers ten days of absences for one school year, for any reason, excessive. 
California Education Code 48205 states that a student may be excused legally from school when the absence is due to: 
Illness/injury, medical or dental appointments, serious illness or death in the immediate family, religious holidays, college visits, & court appearances. At any time, you may leave a voicemail regarding your child's absence on our 24-hour Message Line. Absences must be cleared within three days of the absence. Please be aware, that proof of the college visit is required after a student has been called out for 5 off campus college visits.
*Please note that any absences not listed above, such as Personal Reasons, non-medical appointments, car or bike trouble, non-school related sporting events, vacations, cheer competitions, birthdays, oversleeping, etc. are considered unexcused. It is up to the discretion of the teachers to allow make up work for unexcused absences. We encourage you to plan ahead and initiate an Indpendent Study contract if the absence will be between 3-14 days.
*When a student reaches 5 excused absences in the school year in one period, any further period absences for that same period shall be verified by a physician to be excused.
*When a student reaches 5 absences for a college visit, the student must provde proof of the visit for future absences to be excused.
Per CUSD School Board Policy 5112, when a student has had 14 excused absences in the school year for illness, a physician shall verify any further absence for illness. 

All Day Absences & Early Out Procedures

If a student needs to leave early, please leave a message on the early out line, stating the student’s name, reason for leaving early, date and time they need to leave. Students may pick up early out passes before school, during lunch or at break. NO PASSES WILL BE GIVEN DURING CLASS TIME. We do not interrupt instruction time to deliver passes or call classrooms so please plan ahead. We encourage call outs ahead of time and even up to a week ahead of time. Last minute call outs will often result in a delay for the student to leave campus.  If the student will be returning to school and will be tardy to a class due to being at a medical appointment, please have the student bring a note from the medical provider, showing that they were there to avoid a lunch tutorial.
If your student will be absent for the entire day, please leave a message on the all-day absence line on the day of the absence. Include the students name, date of the absence, name of the person calling and reason for the absence. 
ALL DAY ABSENCE LINE (949)234-5592
EARLY OUT/ TARDY LINE (949)234-5568

Independent Study

  • Students must have a minimum of four academic classes on campus to qualify.
  • The Independent Study contract must be for a maximum of 15 days per school year. A minimum of two weeks’ notice must be given to attendance when requesting Independent Study.
  • ALL pages of the contract must be filled out, signed and brought back to the attendance office prior to the first day of the Independent Study.
  • Upon return, attach a minimum of two pieces of the work completed while on Independent Study to the corresponding assignment sheet & make sure your first & last name and period are on each assignment. Attendance will then issue the work to the teachers for grading.
  • Even if all work was done on Canvas, you must print and submit a minimum of TWO completed assignments.
  • No Independent Study Contracts will be given the first two weeks of the school year, the last two weeks of the school year and during final exams.
Please contact Kim Duffy to arrange for an Independent Study Contract

Attendance Corrections

A student, who feels that they have been incorrectly marked absent from a class, may get a blue Attendance Correction Form from the Attendance Dept.  It is the student’s responsibility to fill out the form, have their teacher sign it, and then return the form to Attendance.  Attendance will make the necessary correction(s) per the teacher’s signature.

Student Illness Guidelines

Sick Student: When to Keep Your Student Home from School
NOTIFY THE OFFICE if your student is exposed to or contracts chicken pox, mumps or measles and 
or pertussis. These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies 
that suppress their immune systems.
Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your 
student to school. The following guidelines are indications that you should keep them home. In 
this way, you are helping to control the spread of colds, flu, and other contagious illnesses.
Is my student too sick to attend school?

The following information is only a guide to common childhood health concerns. Call our District 
Nurses or personal health care provider for more information. Please bring a copy of a physician’s 
note or the school’s physician clearance form to school and/or notify the school if your student will 
have an extended absence due to a health.
FEVER. Students should be without a fever and medication (100.4 degrees) for 24 hours before 
returning to school. It is suggested the your physician is called if the fever is accompanied by 
other symptoms such as congestion, sore throat, cough, and earache, or unable to eat or drink etc.
CHILLS. A student with chills may feel excessively cold and may be shivering. Chills may be caused by 
a fever, flu, common cold, or virus – It is suggested that your physician is called about your 
child’s symptoms.
VOMITING, NAUSEA, & DIARRHEA. A student who is throwing up or has diarrhea needs to stay home. Do not 
send your student back to school until they have gone 24 hours without vomiting or having diarrhea 
and is fever-free. It is suggested that your physician is called if your student is both vomiting and 
having diarrhea or has a severe case of either.
SORE THROAT. If your student wakes up with a sore throat but no other symptoms, offer them juice or 
water to see if the discomfort was simply from dry air or post- nasal drip during the night. If they 
have a fever and the pain continues, it is suggested that your physician is called. Strep throat and 
other throat infections can only be diagnosed by a throat culture. If your stduent has Strep, they can 
return to school after being on antibiotics for 24 hours AND fever-free without medication for 24 
hours. If your student is diagnosed with Strep Throat please notify the school office.
COLDS. Keep a student with a cold at home only if they feel too tired to complete school 
activities or has a fever (>99.6 degrees). Kids are most contagious the first day of the cold – 
teach your student to blow/wipe their own nose, wash their hands, and cover their mouth when 
Because we cannot keep our kids out of school every time they are getting a cold, have a cold, or 
are getting over a cold, learning good hygiene (hand washing!) is important.
COUGHS. Keep your child home if a cough keeps them up at night, appears to get worse as their 
activity level increases or if they also have other symptoms, such as a fever, short of breath, or 
wheezing. It is suggested to call your physician if the cough leads to difficulty breathing or the 
fever increases. If your child’s cough is due to asthma, contact the School District Nurse to 
obtain the medication form required to keep medicines at school.
RASHES. Contagious diseases that cause rashes need to be reported to the school office or call your 
health office at the school site. It is suggested to call your physician if the rash spreads, does 
not improve, or is accompanied by a fever. Do not send your student to school if they have an unknown 
cause of rash, or any open wounds or sores. Please bring the school’s physician clearance form or a 
physician’s note after a contagious disease, rash, and or open sores or wounds are diagnosed by 
your physician.
EAR INFECTIONS. Cold and flu that cause ear infections are contagious, but ear infections 
themselves are not. It is suggested to call your physician. Your student can return to school once they
have seen their health care provider and feels well enough to attend school.
GENERAL MUSCLE ACHES AND PAINS. Generalized aches and pains can be a sign of the flu. Cold and flu 
that cause aches and pains are contagious, but the general muscle aches are not. Your student can 
return to school once they are fever free for 24 hours without medication.
WHEEZING OR TROUBLE BREATHING. If your student is wheezing or has trouble breathing due to asthma, 
please contact the District School Nurse or the site health office to fill out the medication form 
to keep medication at school. If your child is having difficulty breathing or short of breath it is 
suggested that you call your physician.
PINKEYE. A student with bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious and should be kept home until 
he has been seen. If your child wakes up and the whites of his eyes are red, there is pus 
discharge, and/or the eyelashes are matted shut, it is suggested you call your physician and do not 
send your student to school.
HEAD LICE. Lice lay eggs (nits) that attach to the shaft of the hair. Shampoos (pediculocides) can 
be purchased over-the-counter – follow the instructions exactly on the box. Your student will be 
admitted back to school the day after treatment. A physician’s visit is not necessary, but you do 
need to notify the school so appropriate classroom lice checks can be conducted. Please refer to 
the HEAD LICE instructions.