Tardy Policy
SJHHS Tardy Policy
SJHHS Tardy Policy![]()
SJHHS Tardy Policy
SJHHS has a Zero Tardy Policy – Students who arrive late to class create not only a disruption to the classroom, but also a loss of valuable instructional time for the student. To support our campus-wide RFTB approach, we continue to encourage the students to be on time in order to maximize their learning opportunity and minimize classroom disruptions.
- Any student who arrives after the first bell, but less than 30 minutes late, will be considered tardy.
- Any student who arrives after the first bell, and more than 30 minutes late to a period, will be considered truant.
- Students need to report to and check in with the Attendance Office upon late arrival – even if the late arrival is during the break or the lunch period
- If a student arrives tardy to any period, the student will need to attend a Lunch Tutorial.
- A lunch tutorial is the first 20 minutes of the lunch break and is held Mon-Fri in the Gym.
- Parents may send a note, provide a medical note, or call our Tardy/Early Out number at (949) 234-5568 to report a late arrival. However, a parent call or parent note does not necessarily excuse the tardy or waive the lunch tutorial. It does, however, allow Attendance to pre-code the student’s attendance for the applicable periods to avoid the student being marked absent/truant.
- A medical/dental/therapy note is not required for a tardy but, providing a doctor’s note will waive the lunch tutorial if provided the day of the tardy or the following day. A doctor note may be hand delivered, faxed, or emailed to our Attendance Dept.
- If the student does not attend the Lunch Tutorial, they will be assigned an After School Detention
- If the student does not attend the After School Detention, a Saturday School may be assigned.