- Guidance
- Guidance
- Guidance Staff
- College and Career Advantage (CCA)
- College Information
- College Information for Seniors
- College Application Information - 1:1 Advisement Resources
- 2024 Fall College Visits
- Letter of Recommendation Packet
- Financial Aid for College
- DREAMers
- Scholarships
- Community College
- Saddleback Community College
- CSU and UC
- Private/Independent Colleges and Universities
- College Testing - SAT and ACT
- NCAA - College Athletics
- College and Career Exploration
- Concurrent College Studies Program
- Independent PE
- Summer School
- Work Permits
- Graduation Requirements
- Counselor's Corner
- CUSD Futureology
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Incoming Freshman Information
- Registration (Current Students 9-11)
- Transcripts
- CUSD High School Course Catalog
- New Student Enrollment
- Tutoring
Summer School
The high school summer program emphasizes academic preparation for those students who are not achieving at an appropriate level and/or still need to pass the California High School Exit Exam. For more information, contact your child’s teacher or academic advisor at the high school
Summer School program for all Capistrano Unified School District students’ entering grades 10-12. Students are eligible to attend this remedial program if they are:
- Making up credits needed for high school graduation
- Repeating a course in order to make up a failing grade (F) or improving a low grade (D)
- Improving basic skills to pass the California High School Exit Exam
Courses will be offered contingent upon sufficient enrollment. Due to funding and staffing limitations, it may not be possible to accommodate every student who applies for Summer School. Waiting lists will be established for Summer School as necessary. Summer School Website